Complex Ideas Made Simple

our tool kit


The visual summation of you.

User Experience (UX)

Ideas turned into action.

Web & Mobile

Creativity meets code.

Digital Strategy

Magnify yourself.

Training & Workshops

On creative expression in tech.

Printed Matter

It's alive and well.

a humanistic approach

Fundamental Design Group is a Los Angeles based design and tech consultancy focused on solutions for web and mobile platforms. Founded in 2017 by veteran Creative Director and Technologist Jessica Robins Thompson, Fundamental operates off a core value — that the trust we build with our clients will yield the greatest creative results. We get to the heart of who you are, and make that heart our passion. Whether it's branding, visual design, ux, wordpress, drupal or print — we build our team around your goals.

We've been busy since we started, so please come back and visit when we have time to buld out our full site.

About Jessica Thompson
Jessica Robins Thompson is a creative director and digital strategist with over 15 years experience creating websites, web-based applications, online campaigns, and brand strategies. As Creative and Technical Director at Lightray Productions she headed projects for Warner Music Group, The City of Los Angeles, Disney, Revolution Studios, Norman Lear and more. She spearheaded the first online crime mapping system in the country for LAPD, and recently launched FireStatLA - an initiative of Mayor Garcetti for tracking emergency response times. She is currently Owner/Creative Director at Fundamental Design, a strategic design consultancy, and is Faculty at Otis College of Art and Design, where she focuses on process oriented design for web and mobile.

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